
As I sat there in basic nutrition class early in the Doctor of Chiropractic program, I began planning and dating to the point of how long it would take to be healed. This idea, anticipation and projection brought me so much hope. A couple months later, looking in the mirror, I hardly saw a change; I was devastated. In an effort to keep going, I knew I had to surrender my timeline (and expectations). Slowly, steadily—but most of all subtly, I began to change, inside. I began to grow, inside. I began to heal, inside.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar

Healing, its such a beautiful word—its a word that seems to be buzzing these days. Rightfully, healing is currently of critical importance to Mother Nature. Despite the world’s need for healing, its important to understand that healing is the destination, the vision, the deepest desire of God. What we need, however—in order to achieve healing and harmony, is a vehicle, we need tools, we need guidance—we need a route to get us there, to healing.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Waiting in the Cocoon of Winter

In the past, I have called this winter period low power mode. The winter, I have found, requires a completely different rhythm than any other season. I respect this time to do less, to slow my pace. And so, I feel a deep call to encourage you, too, to lean into the slowness of winter. I encourage you, to create space for internal reflection and restoration. Take this time to refill your cup and apply color to your intentions for this year. By respecting the winter, you are sure to be ready for spring, the true beginning to 2022.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Faithful Further

We don’t need an old thing, but we may need to remember old things. We may need to remind ourselves of seasons past—the courage and Faith that was necessary to usher us to a more stable place. We may need old Faith, but even old Faith has its limits—its own barrier within itself. If you find yourself in a new place, facing challenges and issues that you have no point of context for, know that its time for you to grow(go) further. It’s time for you to access a new dimension of yourself, by taking your your Faith Further.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Resistance and Commitments

If you’re still with me, in this class of 2021–I applaud you. I applaud you not for the changes and differences that you may or may not be sensitive to within you—but simply for being committed. More often than not, internal transformation will occur slowly and subtly—their impact may not be noticeable to the naked eye. The true power and difference remains in being committed, it remains in your faithfulness to all the things that you know and perceive—despite what life throws at you. This is how we defeat resistance, this is how we fight life’s tempting offerings to remain in the past.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Thanksgiving: A Table Set for the Past and Present.

What does this time of the year mean to you? Is it overruled by the past? Are you more mindful of your past and in-tune with the present? Or, is the fear of what may happen or all that you have to get done after Thanksgiving looming and weighing you down? If you are anxious, I hope this message will soothe you. If you are more grounded than ever, then I hope what is offered in this message will cause your cup to overflow. To everyone, I wish you a mindful holiday season.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Waiting is Power.

“Wait until the time is right. An action taken too soon can be as ineffective as one taken too late. In recovery, we are learning to be effective. Our answers will come. Our guidance will come. Pray. Trust. Wait. Let go. We are being led. We are being guided.” -Melody Beattie

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Dr. Darrien JamarComment
Resistance and Feeling Crazy Inside.

And we continue, nearing the end of another year of soulful healing. This month, we expose the home we built for feeling crazy. Likely, you can relate. It’s the remedy some of us were fed as kids. A remedy to what? The remedy chosen to stifle our self-expression, our uniqueness, our self-respect, our self-love. Of course, we are past the point of shaming and blaming. We recognize there is no time to waste; we must heal. I hope to inspire you with my own journey of living in the crazy house and how I finally packed my bags and ran…back home.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Grief Reveals: The Love I Needed Most.

I have always known grief as the deepest expression of sadness. Standing next to it, an equal expression of pain. It’s been my openness to what’s known and unknown, though, that has revealed more. Underneath our loss, buried with our grief, is love. And when I say love, I mean the deepest kind of love that may exist. Although I am no where near the end of its teachings, I pray that what continues to be revealed to me proves helpful to you in your journey and understanding of the wildest beast of all: grief.

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Dr. Darrien JamarComment
Resistance and God.

I know something powerful is at work, as I’m freely writing the word God and not panicking inside. Much conflict and confusion has centered around my relationship with this Power. Yet, the truth is, I wouldn’t have survived my childhood without the love and grace of the Creator watching over me. Still, in many ways, I’ve hung onto this outdated image and understanding of God: white with long hair, wears a cloak and only accepts an abbreviated portion of us. Exclusivity has left many of us fragmented and hopeless in an overstimulated world. It’s time we update our understanding and allow this Force to meet us as we are and where we need to be healed the most.

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Cracked & Broken, But Whole

Here I am: willingly being cracked and broken, open. At the same time, there is this heightened part of my ego that knows nothing about this life I am stepping into—it’s weary, skeptical. It’s constantly on-guard and asking, “Are you sure? Are you sure this is next? Are you sure you aren’t going backwards?” It’s resistance that would prefer I back down. But, gently, I whisper back, “Yes, I’m sure my love.”

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I Want it Slow, Real Slow.

Do you like it fast or slow? Do you prefer “quickies” or more passionate encounters? I’ve reached this point in my life where fast no longer serves me. Fast is leaving me feeling empty. I want intimacy, I want to experience the subtleties that come from taking my time and doing it right. What about you? How do you want it? And by “it,” I mean LIFE.

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Podcast Feature: Trusting Your Inner Guidance

There is no greater reward than the one we find when we learn to trust ourselves. Yes, you are beautiful. Yes, you have been called to do what has never been done before. And yes, you are deeply admired. But before you rush off to receive all these external accolades, know that there is a solitary belief that must first be planted and nurtured within you. For all the things that you wish others would see and believe about you, you must first honor and receive for yourself. Only then, will you find true contentment. Only then, will you be healed.

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Just Remember,

What and how we choose to remember our past, defines the reality and bandwidth of who we are in this current moment. Our memories serve as potent energetic imprints on our mind, emotional body, and spirit. Choose wisely. Choose intentionally, what you will remember about yourself and your past. Choose to reflect on what was gained from your past and that which is bringing you peace today. Just remember…

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Resistance and Energy Drainers.

Are you aware of what stops you from flowing? There are the obvious life circumstances that would cause anyone to pause, reflect, and regather themselves—in those situations, you can identify exactly what happened. However, this message is about the hidden energies that drain you of life. In the end, it’s all resistance. The first step in overcoming any form of resistance is becoming aware of it.

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Dr. Darrien JamarComment
Low Power Mode

This past winter, I entered what I call “low power mode.” It’s similar to how bears hibernate in the winter. I noticed last year when it came to winter, my energy would shift and it was harder for me to get things done. I said, “next winter I’m going to do things differently.” For me, low power mode has been about continuing to do stuff but just creating more space to have breaks in-between. It’s given me space to really reflect on the impact of 2020, let go, and get clear on the road ahead.

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Resistance and Fear.

“Are you paralyzed with fear? That’s a good sign. Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. Remember our rule of thumb: the more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.”

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Dr. Darrien JamarComment
Creative Expression, Energy Flow + Impromptu Dance Parties

The practice of self-care has never been more crucial to us as individuals and as a collective whole, whether that means losing yourself in a hobby, operating in low power mode, or creating space and time for yourself. These are just three of Dr. Darrien Jamar’s suggestions for how to live in a state of reflection and restoration during such a tumultuous time.

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Dr. Darrien JamarComment
2021: Spirit of the Elephant

How…why are we so far removed from trusting ourselves? We are often surprised to know that we knew the answer all along, if only we trusted our instincts. Allow the elephant to be your inspiration and guide as you navigate 2021, the year to move beyond the resistance.

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