Resistance and Energy Drainers.

You are unstoppable. You have this moment when all of life makes sense. You are clear about who you are and your purpose in life. Your creativity is flowing and things seem to be going your way: life is beautiful…amazing.

Out of nowhere, it stops. The energy that was once moving you to new heights, that you thought was your break from all the negativity has stopped and you’re unsure why. Of course, things will happen in life—but in those circumstances it’s an OBVIOUS thing that happens (your car breaks down, a relative or friend passes, you lose your job, etc.). In this situation—something happens and you can’t identify the culprit.

Likely, you’ve run into an area of resistance. And this kind of resistance steals away your energy, the joy and life line that supplies all things within you.

Energy Drainers.

I perceive that we all have areas and people in our lives that have this way of taking more than they leave or give. This is in no way a list of them all; however, it’s a roadmap, and for some it’s a specific destination that will get you started on moving past that which is robbing you of energy.

Hesitation (aka Doubt).

You know what it feels like when you hesitate on doing or believing something that your higher self (your authentic self) knows is true. When you hesitate or doubt, you immediately become confused. Your mind (aka crown chakra) is now at war. Where did you go wrong? Well, you turned to the left and right of you. You sought feedback on your own truth and inner guidance. You sought validation from an outside source for an inside job.

I learned very early on as a runner to NEVER look behind me. If I was already tired and giving the race my all, what was the use in looking to see where I had been or who was behind me? What I needed was inside me, and only I could push myself to the finish line. Only I could motivate me in a situation when I found myself exhausted—looking around me always invited fear and doubt of my inner ability.

You are being encouraged to stay in your own lane and run your own race. No matter how hard and tempting, don’t look behind you or to your neighbors—unless, of course, that someone is yelling your name and encouraging you forward.


I can’t tell you the number of times
early on as a Chiropractor when I had believed that a patient didn’t like me or was unsatisfied with their treatment. I’d allow that energy to stick to me like glue. It’d impact the way I showed up for others and myself for the remainder of the day. It’d take me days to shake off the residue of that insecurity…and, moreover, assumption. Really, that disrupted situation and perception was a reflection of my own INNER TRAUMA.

In time, that patient would return. “How are you feeling I’d ask?” “GREAT! I really love your adjustment style.”

I’d feel liberated but also, had this awareness that I had wasted precious energy, energy and time that I couldn’t get back.

Likeky, your assumption is linked to some form or type of trauma. If you believe that’s the case for you too—ask yourself “why” 5 times. “Why am I assuming —?” Follow that question with another question of why, and so forth. This should help you get closer to digging up the roots of your tendency to assume. Moreover, stay open to revisiting this in the future—as only so much can be dug up at once.

Secondly, instead of assuming—ASK! Asking will give you the power and strength in ways you never imagined.

False Humility.

Have you ever, for a moment, dreamed of having something that felt so much bigger than you…larger than your current situation—a giant compared to your past? It was a moment of imagining that was quickly robbed by thoughts like: “yeah, maybe in another life?” Or, “I don’t have the [insert insecurity] for that.” It doesn’t matter the excuse, the point being you know how to bring yourself lower than your dream and vision.

You’re likely the type of person who is humble in all areas of life. A model citizen. And, you also think that playing small is humble too. That the “big dreams” and beautiful things in life belong to those with big egos, perfect skin, flawless bodies and rich families. You’re trapped by false humility. Your playing small is not serving you or those around you. Actually, it’s draining you. It’s robbing your inner self of the food it needs to move forward, to grow, to be more full.

Until you step out of your shadow, out of the place that says playing small makes you a nicer person, you’ll always feel not quite fulfilled…not quite as bright as you know you could be. This is a matter of worthiness.

This year is an internal job. This year is about empowering your inner voice…trusting your internal guidance system.

Dr. Darrien JamarComment