I Want it Slow, Real Slow.
Why are you rushing?
Don’t you want to feel it more? Don’t you want to experience it more?
Personally, I’m tired of rushing it. I’m tired of finishing fast and still feeling empty.
I know things could be much more intimate and personal, if only we could learn to take it slow.
I want it slow…I need it slow, real slow.
And, by it, I mean LIFE. 🌱
Up until this point, I’ve survived off of these “quickies.” I’ve thrived off of burying myself in this task oriented life. MORE MORE MORE. A constant bombardment of asking myself, “what’s next?”
I’ve set out to accomplish more than, at times and admittedly, has even been possible. Yet, I’ve done it…fast, not slow.
It was part of my survival, fast. I won’t deny it ever happened. And I’m not looking down on it, either. It allowed me to disassociate (oh, how I’ve mastered that). It allowed me to get through the trauma and on over to the other side…to this side, to the survivor you see and are hearing from today. ✨🐘♥️
But, the energy has shifted. 🌱 I want something different now…I NEED something different.
I’ve decided I want it slow, I’m ready to take it slow. And, honestly, I don’t know what that kind of life feels like. Maybe that’s why I feel this resistance? Especially in comparison to life in the West; especially contrasted to life in DC. But, I’m willing. I’m willing to risk it all for me…for slow. This is where I’m being called next…to slow. This is where my healing is calling me, and I must go. I must listen.