Waiting is Power.

For many years, I waited.

At first, it was for the things I’d lost to be returned—and restored. 

While I waited, I wrestled. I fought to get back what I’d lost. Frantically, I began to revisit parts of my past, attempting to revive them.

In the end, I’d do all I could—but it wasn’t enough…they were gone. I was gone. 

Defeat as Victory.

Being defeated by what was lost saved me. 

Slowly, it awakened me to a greater sense of clarity. Eventually, I would realize I’d have to bury what was lost. I would spend many years mourning.  I was grieving them—but mostly me…the person I knew and wanted to hold on to. I needed the TIME to grieve the life and future I thought that version of me would have. Consistently, I would have to tell myself to back off—to let me get it out…to let me cry, kick, scream and shout. It would take much longer than I wanted, but I did it. I remained obedient, to grief.

waiting teaches.

I learned that waiting is power. 

I learned that waiting is a God(dess) in itself—worthy of the upmost respect and praise. Waiting taught me the importance of timing—the distinct intention for each season of life. The trust that’s required to facilitate the process. 

Today, I’m still waiting—but for different reasons.  Today, I’ve learned to wait patiently…with Grace and ease…with confidence. 

Keep Waiting.

If you’re waiting, keep waiting. Trust waiting. Trust the timing involved with waiting. Trust the version of you awaiting you.

Waiting will give you access to all that is waiting to be revealed in time—in the appointed season.

Dr. Darrien JamarComment