Joy is my Witness

I felt myself remembering things I hadn’t realized I’d forgotten. I was reminded of my natural ability to find stable ground again. Like the willow that stood so assuredly, I reflected on the things that have continued to sustain me: the habits of mind, the faith and grace. I gently recalled the things that, in just a day, had offered me so much joy.  I realized, too, that there were still things that felt unresolved, things that getting out to the country hadn’t taken away—but that was okay. I was learning to live with things unfinished. And although I couldn’t let go of everything completely, I could hang on loosely. Loosely loosely loosely, I began to chant.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Sunflowers & Crows: Grief Illuminating Love

“God keep you alright, is how she ended that voicemail, every call and conversation. And now, I could only ask that God would keep her alright. I prayed, asking that the love she shared, spread, and instilled in my heart and many others, that it would grant her soul full admission into eternal serenity. I’d miss her, but I knew she wouldn’t be far.”

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
When Left Turns Right

“The lesson may not be to make better decisions or be a better person. The lesson may be much simpler: change your beliefs. Make some new decisions. Let yourself discover some new, better, sunnier beliefs about yourself and your life. Allow yourself to believe that the decisions you make are fine.” -Melody Beattie

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
2023: The Year of the Black Swan

It was only the Ugly Duckling until that special moment came, when it realized it was a Swan. It wasn’t just a shift of mindset, but more specifically, it was a shift in heart consciousness. The Ugly Duckling accessed truth, power, and harmony that was already alive inside: I am a Swan. The story shifted from victim to victor. And as it was then, it is now. Expect a change in scenery, expect an expansion in your way of being. The Black Swan is here to guide us through 2023; be wise to its presence and meaning. 

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Flying Over Water

Its often felt like three different people living inside: me, the Divine, and the Devil. There is the part that dances between being lost and found; afraid and necessarily vulnerable. There is God, the insightful, graceful, compassionate, and ever seeking voice. And then there is the Devil, the sabateour, the voice of ego, the face of my unhealed past, fears, and insecurities. Each year, I come to know each part better. Each year, I grow in my understanding of each voice, deciphering what is true and what is not. If, at the end of the year, you have gained access to greater understanding and clarity—and thus, your power, then you have done the work. You have passed the course of this year.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
A Necessary Handicap

“Many of us are living with handicaps. Some will change over time but other’s won’t. If that’s the case, stop waiting for your handicap to disappear. Instead, decide to live with it. Work around it. Treat yourself with care, with gentleness. Allow yourself to feel and experience all the limitations and emotions of your present situation. Accept them. Let them be part of you, part of your experience.” -Melody Beattie

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Dr. Darrien JamarComment
Mostly Falling

Its a learning, an understanding, and a heart-full willingness that we find from someplace deep within. Once accessed, while with resistance at first, we let ourselves fall. Then, we get back up again, we re-emerge. But first, we fall. We must fall, willingly. It’s in our willingness to fall that we find our strength and agency. Our fall serves as the first and last step to our emergence. If you are stuck or at your wits end today, consider your need to fall.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Falling and Emerging

I’d shared with a friend that I have been practicing Muay Thai for about five months now. I explained how much I loved it and can see myself going further with it. My friend simply responded, “that makes sense to me, you have always been a fighter.” I thought more about his words later, as I would have never described myself, in my past, as a fighter. It was then that I realized he was right. I realized too, in order to give ourselves permission to step into a new way of being, seeing ourselves, and engaging in this world—the old must fall away. Only then, can what’s always been there emerge more fully.

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The Unfolding Tapestry: A Year Long Series

Join us for an experience, a series of threading. A series of unfoldings. A year-long series of discerning what fabrics we have, and what fabrics we may have hidden or forgotten. This class, this art class—is a sacred space for the artist inside of you. It's for those who desire to make the most of the materials they have been given—who want to weave together the best versions of themselves. If that’s you, let's unfold. Let us thread together, the collective.

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Dr. Darrien JamarComment
As Featured in District Fray Magazine

“…Dr. Darrien Jamar, a Reiki Practitioner, Chiropractor, and Life Coach who practices at Sense Salon. Instead, I felt relaxed. Dr. Jamar projects calmness so strongly that I felt my stress dissipate. I was surprised how willing I was to talk about my vulnerabilities openly with a stranger in our pre-Reiki life coaching session.” -Jennifer Chase

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Dr. Darrien JamarComment
Uninvited Guest

Perhaps, at some point in your life, you had someone show up to your house, an event, or somewhere you were without receiving an invitation. It’s not so bad if this is someone you like, who is great company and whose presence is a blessing. The issue is if they are bad energy, bad for you. What do you do? How do you use your voice and power to respond? I suspect many of you are confronting these things today: people, trauma, and energies that you may have played a direct and/or indirect role in bringing in your life. And, despite how it happened or how they got there—you are now ready for them to pack their shit and go.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Soul Selling

Before we can invite in all that we need and desire, all that is good—it’s worth surveying what is there. We will need to peer in on what we may have hidden, cast aside, and declared unimportant (from ego, and not our heart). We will need to grow aware of our old strategies for survival and, gently, turn each of them off. It’s time we release our addiction to struggle and our commitment to death by emotional persecution. In time, we arrive to the doorstep of revering honesty. There, we open the door to all the ways we’ve been selling ourselves short—prostituting our worth for little in return.

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Scarred Well

My hope is that your scars would reveal something deeper. My hope is that behind the portrait of your pain, that you’d have the courage to keep looking, to look closer. There, right there before you, you’d finally see it. That your scars would reveal truths that others might never understand—but you will. You’d find the lessons, the beauty, and the power that your scars were meant to bring you and, in this way, you’d say, I’ve been scarred well.

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Blemished Whole

I have become a master at avoiding imperfections; an expert in covering up blemishes. Tactfully, I built a life around avoiding the unwanted, the messy. I have never understood imperfections because I’ve never accepted them. In doing so, I’ve micromanaged my own reactions and that of others in fear of embarrassment or being perceived as less. Luckily, I’ve exhausted myself. Finally, I have realized that our imperfections have perfecting power. So, here I am, growing whole, fuller, and more beautiful amongst the weeds I have been planted in.

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The Pursuit of Rest

If you rolled your eyes, I wouldn’t blame you. I was once in that place where I was irritated by words like: peace, hope, love, Faith, blah blah blah. For a while, I didn’t see how they were at all practical or applicable to modern life. Today, I know much of the resistance came from my ego, a traumatic past, and how I’ve watched culture and others respond to life. Today, I know I must actively offer myself permission to listen to my heart…to rest in what I know and that which is good for me. Join me in understanding rest—rest, not in the absence of activity, but with. Rest, with functionality and productivity.

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The Pursuit of You

You are the ultimate pursuit. It is only through pursuing you, that you will gain access to all the things that you desire and that have been created for you. For, you see, the foundation to growth, life, and success is having a harmonious relationship, first, within. When we don’t know ourselves, our own history (trauma or not)—how can we truly love or create space for others in our life? You are being called to trust yourself. Lean into where your healing and awareness are taking you. This moment has integrity—it will yield the desires of your heart. Listen, closely.

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Back and Forth, Forth and Back.

I’m referring to the nature of change and transition. Officially, it’s Spring—but the weather has forced us to dig back out our gloves, hats, and big coats. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Perhaps, neither is the case. Perhaps, this is simply the nature of change and transition: back and forth, forth and back. Perhaps, it’d be helpful to keep this in mind as we make up our mind and spirit to move forward, but, again, find ourselves backwards. “It’s okay,” you’ll say next time. “This is what transition looks like.”

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Dr. Darrien Jamar
Confusion and Clarity

This month, we explore the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of life, growth and healing.  Quite often, we misuse (and mis-view) these two elements. Understandably, we see one as good and righteous, while the other as bad and unattractive.  In reality, however, they both have their perks and their faults.  I’d challenge you to make space for a slightly different perspective.  By doing so, it just may lessen the anxiety you experience when facing confusion and better equip you to walk faithfully and courageously when you are on the other side to clarity. 

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2022: The Beaver Returns

After being pursued, slaughtered, and wiped out for their fur—very few beavers were thought to have survived. This point adds great mystery to why Europe is suddenly beginning to witness the return of the beaver across its ancestral home. These creatures have returned and are beginning to build, audaciously. And, just as the beaver is returning, many of you are also returning to a sacred space within you, and it is from this clear and peaceful place that you are being called to build, trusting the intention and outcome of your efforts like never before.

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Dr. Darrien Jamar