2022: The Beaver Returns

For the past two years or so, we have gone inward. Much of what has been discussed, as it relates to 2020 (the year of the butterfly) and 2021 (the year of the elephant) has been introspective. And—make no mistake, we must never lose our appetite to do internal work. Life is an ongoing adventure that will forever require that we remain sensitive to the messages of what needs tending to, within. But, this year, we will witness a major shift in the unfolding of our energy.

New Year, New Guiding Animal Spirit

Before 2021 came to a close, the only hint I had as to what animal would be guiding us this year was that they lived in (or loved) water.

As I continued listening, it became clear. I’d already been introduced to this animal half way through 2021, and was utterly amazed by their presence, power, and level of productivity as a species. “It’s the beaver,” I whispered to myself.


Above all, the beaver represents the spirit of productivity. The beaver produces results efficiently and diligently. They will spend hours, working through the night using their teeth to break down trees and using their small, muscular bodies to move tree trunks through the water. Their efforts contribute, in key ways, to the creation of dams and the re-introduction of rivers and lakes into areas that have been without for quite some time. Beavers embrace the idea and power in small beginnings.

Where are you being called to build, diligently? Perhaps, in this area that comes to you, you’ve been building persistently for quite sometime—if that’s you, this will be the year that yields greater external rewards and recognition (close your eyes and receive that). Maybe you’ve been guided back to a project, creative/business endeavor or position that you once pursued in the past. Likely, you didn’t have the proper mindset or resources, at the time, to excel in a way that would yield productivity. But, after spending a few seasons working on yourself, you are ready, and you know it (if that’s you, close your eyes and receive that).


Beavers work hard at building their homes, uniquely crafted dens that support their entire family. Often, too, especially in the winter, they are known to host guest—allowing their space to serve as a hotel to other animals.

But, to those who are unwelcome—beavers are known to attack, using their teeth and powerful tails to keep out any intruders in order to protect their family and sacred space. They maintain proper home functioning through the upkeep of their dens, ensuring that there are no leaks. Beavers know their boundaries, and they work hard to maintain them.

What is the quality of the energy of your home? Is there something off, in your space? What about at work—what adjustments need to be made in order to promote your creativity? In order to allow you to feel safe? What about in your relationships? Is there a relationship that, energetically, is causing you to sacrifice too much of yourself? Do you feel yourself being held back? Where must you exert yourself, your voice—lovingly but assertively?

This is a year for strengthening and bringing awareness to your boundaries. Healthy boundaries keep us safe and comforted within the confines of our internal being. When our boundaries are healthy, strong, yet flexible—we trust ourselves, we are sensitive to when our boundaries are being compromised and we trust how we may feel called to enforce them.

You will know that you have a leak, weak, or no boundaries at all, when, in that area of your life, you feel anxious, fearful, and/or depleted.


Like the elephant animal spirit from 2021, we have another keystone species guiding us this year. Keystone species play a paramount role in the ecosystem of other animals. Their presence adds positively to the lives of other animals. Beavers are role models, leaders within their community—and so are you.

When we know (and trust) who we are, when we can trust the quality and impact of our efforts—and we know the appropriateness of asserting ourselves in this world, the result is bountiful. It’s the law of cause and effect. We create a cycle, a rhythm and connection with the Universe. This energetic flow builds and leads us to places we could have never dreamed or imagined.

This year is rich with new and exciting opportunities, ones you could have never imagined—but felt were on the horizon. Stay attuned to what you sense. Stay sensitive to what you deserve, the workings of your heart. Although this is a year of work, this kind of work is natural…intuitive, effortless and graceful in the sense of the place you are producing from (you were created/called/sent to do this). Watch your sabotaging efforts, as you are the only person that can get in the way of what this year has in store for you. Above all, re-center your focus each and every day.

The time has come: to return, Restore & build, Dear Beaver.

2020: The Year of the Butterfly


2021: Spirit of the Elephant


Dr. Darrien Jamar