2021: Beyond the Resistance

I felt this message so deeply: that this year, 2021, is your year to finally move beyond what’s been keeping you down and holding you back. For many of us, if we had to boil it down to one thing…one word, it would be fear.

But, I want to challenge you to lean into another perspective…a deeper understanding behind this fear. Fear, indeed, is an element, but it still isn’t the main character. The main character is resistance.

Resistance is this invivsible force that lurks and invades our lives each day. It has a natural affinity for the things that matter most to you. It has this attraction for the areas of your life where you long to be fulfilled; it sits next to the place of your personal legend. It’s there, in the gap between where you are and who you are becoming that resistance is most powerful and deadly. For example, the moment you decide (again) to be committed to working out routinely, resistance will show up. All of a sudden your workout partner is ill, and you say, “oh, I guess it’s not meant for me to workout since I’m only motivated with Martha or Manny.” No, damn, do it without them. Move BEYOND.

The day of your job interview you end up spilling coffee all down your newly purchased shirt from J Crew. You immediately allow that situation to cause you to enter the opportunity defeated instead of seeing it for what it is: resistance. Instead, in order to put resistance in its place, you have to show up like a boss. You have to remember who you are; you have to know that NOTHING can stop or keep you from what’s yours, unless you allow it to.

Oh, and what about when you finally find yourself on a date with the person you’ve been manifesting for over a year. There you are, on the very first date, judging and creating a mental list of everything that is wrong with that person (just like you’ve done with everyone else…). Yes, you’re self-sabotaging…but, more deeply, you are encountering resistance. Resistance is keeping you from loving yourself (above all) and from recieving deep love from others.

Your Guide & Formula to Move Beyond the resistance.

So—if you’re reading this and it’s landing…your assignment this year is to:

1) Start your day & end your day with intention. Carve out space in the morning to set your intention (mindset) and receive a word (aka an inspirational message aka affirmations). This will give you the fuel to lean into your days work with inspiration, creativity, & passion.

[ P.S.: It may be helpful to wake up 15 minutes earlier than you’re used to, just a suggestion!]

Also, create space at the end of your day to “return back to yourself.” You have no way of knowing what will happen during the course of your day, but, inevitably, resistance will show up. Something will “throw you off,” and dampen your energy. You MUST have a way to bring yourself back. This starts by having a ritual or routine. Light a candle. Turn on some soothing music. Set a timer if you need to. Close your eyes and breathe. You may find it necessary and helpful to repeat a mantra or affirmation as well. Whatever you do, RETURN.

2) Pay attention. If you start and end your day with intention, peace and mindfulness—you are halfway there. Now you need to NOTICE what shows up during the course of the day. This is where the real, deep work lies. This will give you Divine insight into being able to acknowledge and label your resistance. By leading with awareness, you begin to expose its patterns and style of attack. You can make mental notes during the day and/or write quick notes in your phone or small pocket journal. Nonetheless, understand that simply noticing is enough. Little by little, as you learn its ways, it will lose its power.

A Prayer,

In this moment, I ask that you’d receive Divine permission to access the awareness that you need to move beyond resistance. I ask that you’d be given the courage, Grace, & Faith to face what has been blocking you from you. May you be given the endurance to run this race…the discernment to know when it’s time and necessary to rest and gather yourself. And, above all, may you allow your heart, mind, and spirit to be renewed each & every day.

With love.

With guidance.

With expectations.

-Dr. Darrien Jamar

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