Reiki: Unconventional Healing During Unprecedented Times.

Have you ever walked into a room after an argument and, instantly, you feel the heaviness?   The involved parties may be gone…but something definitely lingers.  Do you have that person(s) that you enjoy being around?  Likely, it’s because they make you feel good, they make everything that much better.  Similarly, I’m sure you can identify a short (or long) list of people you’d rather not be around…especially on those days when you’re just not in the mood. 

What’s the common denominator in all of the above instances?  

ENERGY.  It’s the quality of the energy, more specifically.  The residue of the argument that lingered behind, is heavy, dark, and downright toxic. This energy could be filled with a bit of jealousy, greed, hate, and a sprinkle of regret.  The person you like to be around is a magnetizing light, simply being around them renews you.  Their light (or energy) is made of love, compassion, forgiveness, perspective, and integrity.  Should I even go there with that person you’d rather avoid?  Without even describing the ingredients of their energy, we can agree that its something you’d rather not stick to you…its something you’d rather not engage with, on any day really.

Energy is currency.  It’s the way of life.  We are energy.  Our thoughts are energy.  Our words are energy. Our emotions are energy.  Our actions, most obviously, are energy.  We can use this energy for good or for bad.  Furthermore, this energy can take one of two wrong turns.  First, this energy can become stuck.  Instead of flowing like a river, it becomes more like a lake.  Now lakes are beautiful, I prefer them actually, but you don’t want anything to just sit in your body.  That’s not good.  Things should flow or be pumping through you (hence, our heart).  Secondly, our energy can become contaminated.  Is it good to eat contaminated food?  H*** no.  Our energy can be contaminated in various ways.  Borrowing from our previous example, we pick up and allow the residue of that argument to settle within us (we can’t process what’s not ours…); the negative Nancy ends up saying something that triggers us and instead of processing it (journaling, meditating, therapy, etc.), we allow it to store within us.  Bad bad bad.  Some of the biggest contaminates happen during our childhood.  But I won’t open that can of worms, I just want you to be aware that this is a can.  A can that we all must open, eventually.

So, Reiki.

In a nutshell, Reiki  unblocks and cleanses your energy.  Clients report feeling calm and centered following the experience, similar to the feeling you have after getting a massage, or a full nights sleep, or after returning from a vacation.  In all of those situations, you feel renewed.  This renewal comes with other added benefits: a greater sense of clarity and direction, more connected with yourself and others, you extend more love and patience, your intuition is enhanced, and more. You are all around better, and this “better-ness” invades all areas of your life in a positive way.  

How does Reiki work?

Reiki with me follows a 3 step process.  

1)      We begin with a conversation about where you are (the good, bad, and ugly) and where you’d like to go.  This helps to align our intentions, while also providing you with the opportunity to ask questions.

2)     The healing begins.  First, we will clear the sacred space where reiki is taking place.  I also love to compliment the experience with essential oils to assist the healing process.  We will then begin with you laying face up, as if you were about to take a beautiful nap. During the actual session, you will notice times when my hands are placed on your body, and moments when you are not being touched at all.  This is the process of cleansing and unblocking your energy.    

3)     The reiki healing ends after 40 minutes.  We will then discuss your experience and how you intend to use this renewed energy moving forward.  


Interested in Reiki?

Dr. Darrien has two special offerings to support your healing and wellbeing. To learn more, follow the link below.

Have questions?

Don’t be shy, reach out and I’d be happy to answer your questions!


“You communicate more with your energy, than you do with your words.”  

—Akiroq Brost 

Dr. Darrien Jamar